A little of this and that

  • foaf:weblog. I’m falling behind on FOAF. Probably time to take another look, and see if there are any actual applications yet.
  • MovableTypeTrickle. An only moderately complex way to automatically publish drafted, future-dated MT entries. Get thee behind me, Satan.
  • Simplified CSS Tabs Trick. For some value of simplified.
  • One way TrackBack. I’m with Tim: TrackBack is two-way in time, letting an entry not only link to things that existed and the author knew about at posting time, but also to things not yet written or not yet discovered. Nice to see that nobody was objecting to the idea of deleting TrackBacks that don’t suit the pingee.
  • Safe href MT plugin Save yourself from the number one cause of not-well-formed entries, unescaped ampersands in pasted in URLs. Dorothea, remember asking me for this, oh, ten months or so ago? Little late, and not mine, but very nice.
  • Simple Semantic Resolution and SSR – supporting modules. Ideally, if you aren’t doing anything too unusual in your RSS, this should mean that you can publish RSS 2.0, and include hints about how to convert it to an RDF representation, without having to actually figure out what the RDF is supposed to say. Of course, if you are doing unusual things, you can still use it, but you’ll have to write your own transforms for the odd bits.
  • Inklog: nodes explained: the more I know, the more I like, but I don’t think I’ll really get it until I get to play with the code for a while. The parts I’ve gotten so far have a really powerful feel to them, though. Looking forward to it.

1 Comment

Comment by ScottMcG #
2003-05-10 08:03:45

Thanks for the link to the safe href plugin! Noncompliant href’s were a curse to my compliant/non-compliant blog. I was frequently having to rewrite href’s so that the validator would not complain. Now, with that plugin, I feel confident enough that I transitioned from xhtml 1.0 transitional to xhtml 1.0 strict.

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