- Evan Goer:
Jacques Distler may well be the only person on the planet who understands the XHTML 1 specification and uses it properly
- Jacques Distler:
Wearing sunglasses at night is not only useless, it can be downright dangerous.
- Phil Ringnalda:
I just typed an ampersand in your comment entry textarea, clicked Preview, and said “yep, MT’s still not quite ready for application/xhtml+xml.”
- Jaques Distler:
So, with the help of a patched version of Alexei Kosut’s MTValidate plugin, we make sure that comments posted to this blog are valid XHTML before they get posted.
- Jacques Distler:
Anyway, if you’re missing a Perl module, you’ll find a panoply of errors in your server logs when you start using the plugin, and you’ll have to track down and install the missing modules. You may also need a copy of the OpenSP program.
- Phil Ringnalda:
- Evan Goer:
XHTML is pretty damn hard. If the Alpha Geeks can’t get it right, who can?
- Phil Ringnalda:
I wonder how long it will be before those of us with comments enabled think twice about linking to a weblog post without comments, knowing that we will become the comment host for that entry, for our readers.
- Evan Goer:
Anyway, in other news: I’ve decided to open up comments on this journal.
- Phil Ringnalda:
Comment counts are just a leftover from times when we had no choice
- Phil Ringnalda:
I can’t even manage to thread links to it, but I do love to see serious geekery being done. I just wish I could manage to get MTValidate running on my crappy shared host, less to stop you from posting invalid, not-well-formed comments than to cut out the step in my posting process where I click Save, go to my main page, scroll down to the link to the validator, see how I screwed it up, go back to edit, rinse, repeat. Nesting links and quotes in nested lists and quoting from a page using the accursed SmartyPants makes me suspect that I’ll be back at this editing window again shortly. Three Four Five times, but who’s counting?
One mo’ time.
The URL for #2:3 (”Anyway, if you’re missing a Perl module…”) should be , not the permalink for this page.
Just a hint (though a rather geeky one):
If you are trying to quote from a page which uses non-ascii characters (like one which has been processed by SmartyPants), you will find it less error-prone to copy/paste from the ”View Source” window, rather than from the browser window. Less ”friendly”, but less error-prone, too.
I just happen to be addicted to nice typography. So shoot me.
Yeah, I’ve heard rumors that if I switch to a decent operating system that’ll help too. I wouldn’t mind copying from source so much if Phoenix’s ’View selection source’ showed actual source, rather than source-as-rendered.
But my problem is that I never, ever notice that people are using fancy quotes until the validator tells me. That might explain why I don’t use them myself.
He he. ”Trackbacks are comments” my ass.
What’s that?
Aww, c’mon. That was the first-ever occurrence of the word ”yeast” on your entire site. How could you just go and delete it?
& & & [I got your &, right here – Ed.]
And worse yet, I really liked the yeast thread, got halfway through making a first p0st comment about you murdering entire yeast civilizations before they had a chance to shine, but stalled when I couldn’t remember how to spell some word, and looking it up took 90 minutes. Google’s a nice spellchecker, but only when there’s nothing interesting in the first few results.
Still, you’re right, if I’m going to call them comments I need to keep them as comments. I was willing to leave it as the sort of tangent that livens up a comment thread (sure, XHTML, but how about yeast?), but once you pointed it out it had to go, for the betterment of the species.
Funny thing about comments from Mr. A who works at the B company: that ought to be a reminder to me to remove the email field, since I don’t really want to know about it or use it, but in fact getting mail from is a really easy way to tell at a glance that you commented, and it makes me less willing to drop the email field.
I Came, I Saw, I Validated
Evan’s little essay has exploded like a cluster bomb on the geeky end of the blogosphere. It, and the more…