If you meet the Dalai Lama in a bassinet

At first, I figured it was just coincidence, or an accidental expression, but the more pictures I see of Ben Hall, the more convinced I am that he’s the next Dalai Lama, or the Buddha, or something along those lines. Most babies look to me like a wet lump of Wonder Bread painted pink, but Ben always seems to have the most intelligent expression I’ve seen on a baby. Luckily, it’s not scary-intelligent, like he’s really a five thousand year old alien, just… don’t be too surprised when Tibetan monks start hanging around the house when he gets a little older.


Comment by mph #
2004-03-14 09:49:19

Of course, when he’s at his most irrational the last thought on my mind is pointing a camera at him. :-)

Comment by Stacy #
2004-03-15 13:06:01

Somehow he makes drooling with his mouth open look intelligent. Hmm. I need to learn that someday.

Trackback by Pudding Time! #
2004-03-14 11:41:30

Tabula Somethin’-or-’nother

Ben wants Phil to know there is no spoon. One thing I skipped over in last night’s entry is probably the most interesting part

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