When the going gets weird

I’ll admit to being a little rattled by the news that Hunter S. Thompson finally decided that all his myriad ways of committing slow suicide were taking too long, but at least I avoided taking it as a sign to turn pro: apparently Jason’s giving away tote bags and videos from his webcam until he gets enough donations to get out of Brooklyn. A word of warning, if you’re going to donate: be sure the terms are very clear. I’ve still got grit in my eyes from the sandpaper I used on my retinas after discovering just whose full frontal nudity was involved in my Dive Into Premium subscription.

1 Comment

Comment by Barry #
2005-02-23 02:25:17

HST’s passing…. was on his own terms.

Ya gotta remember, he had a bad hip replacement, a broken leg, and other ailments.

He did like he always did with anything he saw as defective, he shot it.

I am gonna miss him.

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