Even paranoids get chased by agents

Suppose you were a little bit paranoid about Google, due to the way what’s probably the anti-Googlebombing filter works, dropping a weblog post out of the results if a few people mention where it is in the results. Suppose that all the Matrix talk lately had you in a Matrix frame of mind. Then suppose that a comment left by Eadz got you wondering whether or not clicking on the “Vote for|against this page” smilies on the Internet Explorer Google Toolbar would actually cause Google to instantly index a page.

Suppose that “allinurl:what_google_could_do_with_weblogs” showed that the entry hadn’t yet been index. Suppose you started IE and voted for that page. Suppose that a half-hour later, you said grep googlebot access.log. Suppose that the only things Googlebot had accessed were robots.txt, and an old, unlinked entry where you made fun of Google’s inability to count to three.

Would you be expecting Agent Smith to knock on your door? I am.


Comment by Erik #
2003-05-12 12:22:31

I obviously can see that you cannot wait until Thursday when the movie comes out. Me neither, my last final of my undergraduate career ends at noon, and I should be able to make it to the 1:15 showing at the theater in my area.

Though I must admit, that is a weird set of circumstances. I doubt Google has the power to create an Agent Smith, yet. ;)

Comment by Burningbird #
2003-05-12 12:28:14

They are watching you.

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