Fun with the Blogger API

Always wanted to post on The End of Free? Well now you can. Many of our readers have emailed us newsworthy items in the past, but shouldn’t you receive credit for your juicy finds? Now, all you need is a Blogger account to submit your TEoF items. Brought to you freely via the magic of the Blogger API.

It’s an interesting use of the API, I presume using your Blogger username and password just for identity verification (a system that also uses, along with a half-dozen other possible accounts that can be publicly checked). I don’t know why you don’t see more people doing “anyone can post, only we can publish” blogs with the API. Maybe I’m overestimating the number of people who want to post: Phil Ulrich had a totally public Blogger-powered blog, before he left the fold, but it hardly ever got any posts beyond “testing”.

<edit>Oh. That’s a forthcoming Pro feature, Open Posting. Got it.</edit>


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