diveintomark dives into Greymatter

Rats. All I want to do is post about normal stuff, like the other kids. Instead, I find that Mark Pilgrim, living proof that an ability to write code doesn’t preclude an ability to write in English, has moved to diveintomark.org, and even more remarkably has switched from Manila to Greymatter. Grist for my slowly-turning mill; I have a long post-in-development about the world being big enough for dozens of different blogging programs, meeting different needs for different people, with no need for the wars that keep breaking out between the various camps. Then I got distracted by the way his currently layout seems to make it nearly impossible to select text, at least in IE6, for reasons that weren’t clear to me from the source. All in all, a big failure for my attempt at blogging something other than blogging.


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