RSS feed for Blogger Pro : not quite yet

To keep an eye on : salad with steve has a RSS feed with “RSS generation done by ‘Blogger Pro’.” At the moment, Newzcrawler sees it as one invisible item, Feedreader sees 15 untitled invisible items, and Amphetadesk refuses to even add it, but I take my hopeful signs of progress wherever I can find them.


Comment by ruzz #
2002-04-06 11:05:06

and he speaks!

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-06 11:13:49

Somewhere between ”keep them wanting more” and ”make them so tired of waiting that they never come back,” that’s me.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-04-06 11:32:07

Heh. I’m with Ruzz – ’bout time.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-08 10:21:45

But back on topic, now Steve says he wants to write a page on the Blogger site about why Pro will be generating RSS 1.0 feeds that I don’t have a single tool capable of parsing, and how the readers should be the ones to change. The guy’s obviously a flippin’ genius, but I’m afraid I like my output based on what works in the real world, not what would be best in an ideal world.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-10 15:47:24

Note to self: learn first, post second. Nothing wrong with RSS 1.0, it’s just a broken feed that’s still in beta.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-10 22:28:05

If you’re interested in RSS 1.0, my set of links from figuring out the basics are over in my linklog.

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