And this Mail Rule

A sandwich, a beer, this mail rule reading “if the From line contains delete it”, and this thermos, and that’s all I need.


Comment by Shannon #
2002-04-06 20:41:06

Can I be your Bernadette Peters?

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-06 20:47:25

You know you’re my Bernadette Peters. Um, unless there are parts of the movie that I’ve forgotten. I did once name a dog ”Stupid”, from seeing it on TV so many times that I forgot his real name.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-04-06 21:42:03

Oh, you mean that part where Bernadette Peters shoves a pineapple up Steve Martin’s ass?

Wait, that was another movie. Foiled again.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-06 22:25:46

Shannon: 1
Phil: 0

Comment by Shannon #
2002-04-06 22:27:01

My ass.

Shannon: 24
Phil: 2

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