Go! What are you waiting for?
Why are you wasting time here? Remind yourself that the highest purpose of a blog is to say “This is what I think,” not “This is what you should think,” and go read Mike Golby. That’s the reason I’ve spent much of the last year helping people use Blogger.
Isn’t he great? He writes these huge posts that shouldn’t be easy to digest, but I always find myself at the end going, ”That’s all?”
”That’s all?” What the hell do you mean ”That’s all?”, Shannon? Do you mean to say I sometimes get less than three hours sleep so that you can say ”That’s all?”
I guess it does, doesn’t it :)? But that’s blogging and it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with the comment I want to make.
Simply put, ”Thank you, both of you.” I was speaking to another of our kind last night by e-mail and I tried to spell out how humbling it is to get comments like these from fellow bloggers.
To me, they say, ”I hear you” and, amid the flood of extraordinarily amazing writing with which we’re swamped (for nothing), such moments of recognition make blogging more than a hobby, a passion, or that which I choose to do.
It makes it really special.