RSS feed #1

If you want an RSS feed for this blog, my first shot at it, an RSS 0.92 feed, is available at, thanks to a push from Brent Ashley. More on what it is, why 0.92, and why I’m rolling my own, once I get done doing my RSS 1.0 feed. Someday soon.


Comment by ruzz #
2002-04-25 01:36:18

There are those interested in the delivery of content, and those the creation of content, if the two could meet somewhere in between we might have something to wile away the evenings with..

this being the last part of the equation, those who are interested in the consumption of content.

Comment by billsaysthis #
2002-04-25 12:45:54

Have you looked at You ought to add some of the geo and other dc tags too.

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