Bloggar RC1
Posting from Bloggar release candidate 1, another Blogger API client. (The site is in Portuguese, and the Babel Fish translation is worse than the original, so I’m not sure how far they are from release.[Update: released 12/25/01. Blogger API shut down 12/26/01. Ouch.])
And if I was willing to tolerate a non-XHTML 1.0 align attribute, this would be justified. All because Bloggar has buttons with word processor style icons for left, center, right and justify, which insert a div with the align attribute set. Pretty cute. The link and image buttons offer a dropdown for class, though it doesn’t seem to populate the way I’ve always wanted one to (parse the template for inline or external style sheets, get them, parse them for classes).
What else? Cut copy and paste buttons, bold italic and underscore, new post, insert text file, save post (saves as post.txt – to save as, you have to go to the file menu), template editing, edit posts (last 5, 10, 15, 20, or by post ID#), choice of font size, and an option to clear the window after posting or not (though the window clears when you change to a new blog, so no posting to multiple blogs!).
So far, the only problem I’ve had was figuring out that you save an edited template by clicking “Post”. I think I would add a separate “Save template” button rather than reusing “Post” without even changing the label. [Update: more seriously, it converts any HTML character entities (in your template or in posts you edit) into their character equivalent. Not so nice if your template includes a bunch of sample code. [Update to the update: both supposed to be fixed in v1.0, but until the API is available again, I can’t try it out.]]
Hi Phil and folks,
Sorry for the only-portuguese site, but we’re on pre-releases and the tests are being made only here in Brazil. When the finale release is out, an english page will be available.
Let’s answer for the questions Phil has brought :
– Post to multiple blogs is a GREAT idea, maybe there’s no time to this version, but will be implemented;
– I’ve used the Post button to Save the template just because I thought that it’s intuitive and changing the Template is not
used on an every-day-base so a button to save
template would be unusefull most time, anyway I’ll study how to do this;
– The question of HTML conversion was reported by one of my Beta testers too, he has a Blogging FAQ in portuguese and had this same problem with showing code, it’s ok now here and the next release will have this fixed.
Thank’s for your time testing it.