Screaple say things

Someone really needs to put some smarts into the script for spamming blog comments. The simple technique of quoting a previous comment, with a really stupid line like I agree or Nuff Said! added on, was okay for a first effort, but if you are going to let morons who don’t know enough to use useful keywords as the “Name:” in their comment use your script, you should probably keep it from quoting someone saying Google is no longer governed solely by pagerank. To understand how google works you need to understand the google crawling patterns., because it’s just plain silly to quote that while trying to get a link to your kitchenware site with the wasted link text Joe p. Unless there’s a manufacturer of fine kitchenware named “Joe p, Inc.” that I’ve never heard of…


Comment by Shannon #
2003-08-15 21:29:57

You said ”screaple.”

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-08-15 21:46:45

Here Googlebot, here Googlebot… got a nice new word for you…

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