Out, out, damned tabs!

Way.Nu: bugmenot.com
Jonathan wants to know when someone will do a Movable Type output filter to convert registration-required links to bugmenot.com links. I want to know how long it will be after MT 3.0 ships with the option of requiring registration for comments before MT comment registrations start showing up on bugmenot, or something similar.
Eric Meyer: Making Book
Buy Eric Meyer’s books, so Carolyn doesn’t have to go barefoot.
Whole Wheat Radio Blog
Jimbob returns to the world of weblogging. Be afraid. Be very afraid. So far, I’ve got him held in check, by bribing his former host to kick him out, but once he gets everything moved to a new host…
Sam Ruby: Java vs .NET
In a sidebar to the bizarre Sun vs. Microsoft “Who has the best RSS/bloggers/community/aggregators” battle, Sam reminds us that Microsoft silenced Peter Drayton. I wonder how much that’s the result of a tech weblog serving as a way to talk about stuff to someone who might understand, and Microsoft providing so many
bright people all around you who will understand that the desire to blog isn’t as strong.
Adding a New Protocol to Mozilla
Doron explains the not-simple but not-impossible task of adding a new scheme (think feed: rather than http:) to Mozilla.
Techdirt : Ads… In… Spaaaaaaace!
Heinlein’s The Man Who Sold The Moon without even getting to go to the moon.
Techdirt : Forget Fuel Cells, Let’s Make Human Powered Batteries
I really don’t want my phone greeting me with “Hey, Coppertop.”
Avocadia : Woo hoo, now I can be buggered in two OSs
SirCam runs (poorly) under WINE. One cheers.
Stalinist crabs poised to destroy Europe and Nazi raccoons terrorize town
Remember all those starlings, and zebra mussels, and European green crabs, and every other exotic that Europe has dumped on the US? Well, here’s your payback: cute furry things that will knock over your garbage can if you aren’t careful, and the tastiest and most valuable crabs in the world. We’re usually better at payback than this. (via)
Findory News: Personalized News
A news portal that learns your interests as you decide which articles to read. For the most part I’ve been avoiding news like the plague it is since around the time of the OJ Simpson trial, but I was impressed by how little time it took to discover that I would be interested (in a sick way) to know that the Selective Service System is working on a plan to be ready to draft computer and language geeks.(via)
CavLec: Subject Heading Windmills
I think one needs a rather well-developed sense of the absurd to be a good cataloguer. Well, actually one needs an awareness that because the task is impossible, the only way to succeed is to be consistent in one’s hopelessly bizarre classification, and then to act aghast when someone is unable to find anything with it. Outdoor living spaces — Decoration? Hah! Lawn gnomes are clearly Garden ornaments and furniture.
isolani – Projects: isoTope
A PHP framework for Atom syndication and the Atom API
Yahoo! News – Virus whiz-kids using cyberspace as playground for gangland wars
The Netsky worm removes the Bagle worm, because it’s so sloppy it’s likely to alert even the most clueless of owned users that something’s wrong. Stranger than fiction.
Oblivio > Road > Atlas
I really, really want to hear Radio, Radio as sung by a German torturer.(via)
Referrer Spam Fucker 3000 v1.0
Damn. Carlo must get a lot more referrer spam than I do. A PHP script that parses your access log, looks for referrers that amounted to more than n% of your total hits, and blocks them through .htaccess. If you’ve got a bad infestation of referrer spam, and you’re looking for a sledgehammer to bash them over the head with, here you go!
LinkLog thinks that it’s a way to easily create sites like Fark or Metafilter, where users can easily post links and comment on them, but I think with a little tweaking and work, it’s an easy way to wire your server-side aggregator (it embeds MagpieRSS) to a sidebar linklog.
SourceForge.net: Project Info – MagpieRSS
My answer to every article, past and future, about how easy it is to parse RSS (poorly, with horrible network client behavior)? No, it isn’t! Parsing RSS is a hard problem, that should be solved once, by a library. If you are using Python, don’t write your own, use Mark’s Feed Parser, and if it doesn’t work right patch it and submit the patch. If you use PHP, use MagpieRSS, and if it doesn’t work right patch it and submit the patch. So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to work on XML Base support for MagpieRSS. Or possibly play a few (dozen) rounds of Bubbels (via, cursed be his initials). One or the other.


Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2004-03-13 19:06:04