Doin’ a demo
Now, I know a thing or two about posting droughts, and I know that making fun of the lack of blogging by people selling blogging tools got old around 2003 (when they went from comically slow to heartbreakingly slow, as I remember it), but really: if you are going to demonstrate the wonders of being able to publish a link or two and a few words of commentary on the web, fire up your damn aggregator, or search for a random word on your damn search engine, and find something more to write about than:
This is a demonstration of blogging. Thousands of people will read this, despite the fact that I’m not saying word one.
They’ll be more impressed, and your readers will be less incensed. Thank you.
Sheesh! Sorry about that, Phil! NExt time I’ll make sure to say something really interesting, like a post about my dog or something. :-) :-) :-)