More remote commenting

Progress on various remote commenting fronts:

Marcus is starting to show some of what he has in mind for BlogBack Plus, including XML or dotcomments-format import/export.

Ruzz (of Big Blog Tool) is starting to show more of his hand about Big Comment Tool, both on his site and in my comments. Beta testing starts in a couple of weekssometime soon. I’m really looking forward to not having to answer questions in Blogger Discuss (when it finally comes back) with “well, right now your only choice is…”.

YACCS is still plugging away, with 347 blogs, 1150 threads, and 1352 comments in only a week (and probably the slowest blogging week of the year). Anyone who plans on using YACCS better sign up pretty damn quick, because there will be more than 350 people signing up next week, and way more the week after that.

Now would be a nice time to point to some of my dotcomments work, either the comment admin script or the new version/fork/rewrite of the script itself, wouldn’t it? Sorry, I’ve been spending way too much time playing with PHP and mod_rewrite, moving this (and, soon, the rest of my blogs) over to its new home. Maybe soon.


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