Common Sense Guide to Apache

Common Sense Guide to Apache Security

One of the beautiful things about unix is that to it, everything is a file- including you. What this means is that you can use the tar (tape archive) program to create a file on disk that you can then FTP to another server. Using an FTP client to copy hundreds or thousands of small files is very inefficient, but you can package things into what is called a tarball and move it very quickly.
If all of your website files are located in /usr/local/apache/share (as an example), you can do the following:

Use telnet to log into your site.
Issue the command:
tar cvf myfiles010198.tar /usr/local/apache/share
When it finishes running, compress the file with gzip myfiles010198.tar

You will now have a file called myfiles010198.tar.gz that you can FTP down to your PC. You can even open the file using Winzip!


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