weblog API

Radio Aaronland :

“And as far as the Blogger API goes, with any luck the community as a whole will develop something that *Blogger* writes to. The API, as it currently is written, fills a vacuum but I’d like to see something a little more comprehensive.”

Maybe I just travel in the wrong circles, but I’m surprised that I don’t hear more of this. At first I thought the Blogger API was going to be this great thing, and then nobody ever developed anything but libraries, and apps that did less than the Blogger interface, not more. Now the whole blogging world is treating Ev.’s personal, not very highly developed API, that he seems to have lost interest in (where is blogger.publish? for that matter, where are the methods that the API page doesn’t even document?), as though it were the be-all end-all of blogging APIs. The only problem I see with a community standard API is getting Ev to support it (remember pinging weblogs.com?), so that it isn’t just a shiny new toy the other kids get to play with.


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