Your thirty seconds of fame

Oh, this is bad. Really shameful. Want your thirty seconds of fame, being linked to by someone who wouldn’t think of linking to you otherwise? Just find someone who is experimenting with the “Link Feedback” script from yaywastaken (you can find people using it by looking at who links to it on Daypop or Blogdex) and then post a link to them, and click the link. Voila, you’re being linked to by Evhead, or, or Firda, or …


Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-01-20 14:35:20

Heh. As it turns out, I’m more of a suckup than I thought: one place or another, I already had a link to practically everyone famous that I found using it…

Comment by jamie #
2002-07-22 17:17:15


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