Final shot at the moron spammers at port41
Okay, if someone hits me over the referral head with a half-dozen searches for SPAM port41, eventually I’ll get the point: the boilerplate user agreement that port41 stole from someone else prohibits you from using their system to send spam. One assumes that they didn’t bother to read it while they were stealing it, since even a moron spammer wouldn’t want to fall into the irony trap of prohibiting the users they gather by spamming from doing the impossible and spamming with a poorly thought out website publishing program.
And had I bothered to read it, I could have enjoyed the delicious irony of them claiming the right to charge their users (if any) £5 per spam. The good news is that they are actually capable of learning: they added to their meta tags, so that they now (at last) rank first on Google for their own domain/company name. The bad news is that despite being all-Javascript, they don’t even know enough not to use href=”#” in their comment links.