More meta, less actual blogging

Two meta notes: the timestamps in my comments are now permalinks (couldn’t let Hossein get too far ahead of me), and I’m seriously considering pulling the plug on my bloggertech blog, and transferring all the posts over here. After all, nobody in their right mind would read me if they weren’t interesting in blogging tools, and let’s face it: I’m not exactly a prolific poster who finds just one weblog too confining. I just need to come up with a scheme that will redirect without breaking links.


Comment by pixelkitty #
2002-02-25 03:39:45

Ive lost your email address :(

Phil, thought of a way to do a archive script in columns or seperated by pipe (|) instead of in a long single column list? Im interested in getting a list that kinda looks like:

2002: now |feb|jan|
2001: dec|nov|oct|sep|aug|jul|jun|may|apr|mar|feb|jan

and so on and so fourth, but as we all already know, I am JS illiterate! Your thoughts much welcomed!

Comment by Mr. Nosuch #
2002-02-25 06:13:10

Links to individual comments are sooooo June 2001.

Now excuse me while I run off and fix my javascript pop up links so they work without javascript like a good web citizen. Oh, the shame, the shame

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-02-25 11:04:58

Pix: Good idea, and I’ll work on it as soon as I get my caffeine level stabilized.

Nosuch: Don’t you mean that broken, nonfunctional comment permalinks, with the url having the timestamp in the fragment, but the comment page using the comment number in the anchor, are soooo June 2001? Excuse me while I do the dance of joyful superiority! I’m sorely tempted to get all Jakobish, and say that your links should be underlined and dark blue with a title explaining what they are, with circles and arrows on the back, but I would have to admit that I was among the ones too thick to notice what they were, so I better not.

Comment by Mr. Nosuch #
2002-02-25 17:31:44

D’oh. Beaten again by the master!

Better atone and get to work with those circles and arrows.

Must obey Jacob… Must obey Jacob… Must obey Jacob.

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