, the Userland-run site to find out who’s updating, just got a software upgrade (cool), and a template change. Dave says “Go ahead and flame me now.” Okay, I’ll flame, but from a direction other than the one I assume he expects. Where are the damn links to the FAQ, and to the ping form for poor slobs who aren’t using Radio/Blogger Pro/Movable Type? And speaking of the ping forms, are they going to work again, or are they doomed to saying “[Macro error: Can’t call the script because the name “weblogUpdatesSuite” hasn’t been defined.]” from now on?

Also, is the three hours from the debut of the two urls page (for blogs in frames, where there is one url to check, and another to visit) up yet? It seems to still say “Note that there were some startup problems with this, so the first blog I tested with links to the wrong page. That should be swept out in three hours, and then I’ll delete this note.”, several months later. I don’t really care whether he uses the top of to advertise his products (I generally ignore anything at the top of a page, especially anything that involves graphics: it’s all banner ads to me), but I’ve got friends who are depending on the ping forms.

If I was going to flame Dave about anything, it would be his enormous permalinks: I have to put BlogThis in full-screen mode just to fit his url in the form. Even he doesn’t need a 33 character fragment to identify a post: 26 letters + 10 digits, and 33 characters: that’s a lot of posts, especially in a daily archive.


Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-06 15:07:04

so does anyone know if hes going to exclude non radio blogs at some point?

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-06 15:44:03

Just guessing, since I don’t know Dave personally, but that seems out of character to me. OTOH, making it difficult or impossible to ping manually doesn’t seem at all out of character. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, either way: already has all that offers and more (a directory, a way to ping with the url for your rss feed, a way to share your favorites, or use them: that’s where my ”sorted in update order” blogroll comes from). Don’t know if Jim’s ready to take the full load, though I also don’t know how big the full load is: can’t be much more than a thousand pings an hour, but I haven’t got a clue how many hits and its changes.xml take.

Don’t know if it’s just me, or whether it’s backend or template, but seems to be loading much slower than usual today. Whatever the cause, it’s not a very good advertisement for the RCS backend.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-06 17:32:35

Yeah, what you said. I think. So, if you find out about the ping forms, let me know. ’Cause this sucks ass. I get 20 visitors a day from (or did) and while that may not be a lot to some people, that’s like 15% of my traffic. ’Cause I’m just not cool like you, Phil. ;)

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-06 17:36:41

And, um, is there a little bookmarklet thingie for [insert shit-eating, innocent grin]

Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-06 21:58:08

I think its out of character for dave as well. I see that the old interface is up now. Phew.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-06 22:00:43

They should be working again now: I tried mine, and they both worked. Let me know if yours still isn’t working. (And if weblogs quits letting you ping, or blocks you like he did ”Large American Penis”, just holler: a bookmarklet for will be no problem, but for now a ping to is also a ping there, so you don’t want to switch until you have to.)

Cool like me, huh? I just checked my stats (first time this week, so maybe I really am cool after all), and not counting my visits, and obvious scraping and bots (no human would read 35 pages from my site, would they?), I got 1023 hits on Tuesday. Jeeezus. Probably be about the same today. You know how many of those will count? You, Pixelkitty, and Ruzz. Like Burningbird says, I’ll trade 100 hits for 1 comment any day. Maybe 500. The sound of all those people breathing, not saying a damn thing, gets on my nerves.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-06 22:24:23

What an excellent point. I guess I hadn’t thought of it that way – this is really my first serious foray into the whole website thing so I have that whole newbie-slut-for-hits thing. Forgive me. Heh.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-06 22:25:58

I just used my *pinger* (I love saying that) and it works fine. Thanks, you.

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