Suck harder, Blog*Spot!

There’s little doubt but what Blog*Spot sucks. It’s slow, often unavailable, and frustrating when you decide you want images or separate style sheets. The problem is, it doesn’t seem to be frustrating enough, or at least not frustrating the right people enough. Blog*Spot is absolutely necessary to Blogger: with Blog*Spot, a potential Blogger user, whether she is a tech writer for a major newspaper, or a potential investor, or an angsty teenager, can be publishing in a few minutes, for free, with no arcane knowledge of ftp. As I’ve said before, without a way to try it out quickly, for free, competitors like Big Blog Tool are never going to get the press and popularity of Blogger. Which is fine, if they don’t want it. Probably better, for their users: popularity isn’t always a good thing. But I digress.

The problem with Blog*Spot comes when users don’t get frustrated enough to leave. By the time you’ve been using it for a couple of months, or you’ve gathered enough regular readers that some will email you when your site isn’t available, you should be ready to move out, either to a free host that isn’t quite so limiting, or to a paid host. Somehow, even though Blog*Spot is sucking as hard as I can remember it sucking, we don’t seem to be getting to that point. Blogs like Instapundit and Samizdata and BlogSisters are great for Blogger, exposing lots of people outside the world of blogging to weblogs and to Blogger both, but from a practical standpoint, the last thing Blog*Spot needs is people getting tens of thousands of hits a day.

What can you, the ordinary Blog*Spot user, do? Every time you can’t get to your site, email all the big name, high traffic Blog*Spot users, telling them that you can’t get to their site, and asking why not. Don’t forget to mention that you read them five times a day, so you don’t see why they keep showing a full week of posts on their main page, making it horribly slow to load.


Comment by martsanz #
2002-03-10 02:38:13

Hi there :)

I’m trying to do a BlogSnob ”roundtrip”, and I just wanted to leave you a note and let you know I stopped by :)

Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-10 12:00:35

You make a valid point, again, Phil. But it doesnt change the problem. How, on limited captial, to offer everything and still be stable. I’m not certain it can be done.

But, I’m working on the problem all the same.

Comment by Anonymous #
2002-03-10 12:01:47

blog snot.

Comment by Meryl Yourish #
2002-03-11 10:57:33

Phil, with that title, it doesn’t matter whether or not your point is valid. It got me to read the post.

It’s all in the headlines, baby. :-)

Comment by snowcat #
2002-03-12 14:57:16

Phil, that’s given me the kick up the arse I needed to get on and move my site off b*s. I’d added my bit to that blogger discuss and was thinking that someone would probably suggest that as the solution.

so thank you :-)

also much appreciated some advice you gave in blogger discuss a while back that helped me sort out a prob I had with the template. sorry for not stopping by to mention it before.

Comment by Jak King #
2002-03-12 16:46:10

Phil, you have worked wonders on the ProBlogger group and I appreciate your comments here.

It is a shame because I really want to stick with Ev and show support for the wonderful work that has been accomplished. But …

As soon as I can figure out a simple way to ftp (techno-idiot here) to my free ISP-hosted site I will.

Comment by mot #
2002-03-13 14:56:30

good point well made: i snapped today after blogspot disappeared for several hours… now i just have to work out how to get my blog hosted somewhere else.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-13 15:20:00

Might be time for me to get glasses: I read that as ”work out how to get my blog hosed somewhere else.” Is there a name for Freudian vision slips?

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