When pings go bad

Just noticed that I’m missing out on updates by depending on my blogroll. My list is built from the RSS version of my favorites list at blo.gs, which is mostly built from weblogs.com/changes.xml. Fine and dandy, except that I blew it, and mentioned pinging blo.gs directly, and Shannon must have done it. Now her pings at weblogs.com won’t be noticed by blo.gs for three days from when she pinged directly.

Then there’s Shelley, who is clearly trying to drive me crazy by pinging with a different form of her url every time I turn around. The blo.gs favorites are based on the url, so while burningbird.net/weblog/ hasn’t changed since March 6, burningbird.net/weblog/index.php just changed a couple of hours ago. Might I suggest a bookmarklet to ping weblogs.com with just one url?


Comment by Burningbird #
2002-03-09 13:52:44

I bookmarkletted. Just for you Phil, because you’re nice and help people find their archive files.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-09 14:51:15

Thank you, m’dear. Glad you liked the archive finding: I’m not sure Mike was entirely pleased by the way I found his archives, and everyone else’s, at every single blogspot url.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-10 00:39:06

Now dammit, Phil, if you’re going to link me, and after you built me that wonderful 2 URLs bookmarklet, use the right one. :P

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-10 09:43:51

Oopsie. I think what I probably did was just copied a link out of my referrals without thinking about it.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-10 13:54:44

I know. That sucks. If I was smart, I’d be able to implement that neat ”force frames” javascript I found so it wouldn’t be an issue, but I can’t figure it out. I’ve had some really funny results the couple of times I’ve tried, though. Heh.

Comment by Meryl Yourish #
2002-03-11 10:43:52

Then there’s Meryl, who just plain forgets to use the weblogs.com ping form sometimes. Like when she’s on vacation. Or tired. Or REALLY tired.

I’m starting to lean towards the dark side of the Blogforce… no! No! I won’t use a blogging tool, I won’t!

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-11 20:16:20

Like I just told a Mozilla user who’s going to have to use IE until Ev supports other browsers in Blogger Pro, it isn’t that bad, once you get over the itching while the horns grow out through your scalp.

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