Editing with a vengeance, indeed

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I am not recommending that you download and use the Adminimizer Toolbar. Yet, anyway. Not if you have “convert line breaks” turned on, or you’ll get an extra break tag for every break in every post on the page, each time you edit. Not if you use any HTML character entities, like my favorite —, or any of them furrin’ character, either, unless you want them turned into garbage. For that matter, given that I’m usually moderately protective of Blogger’s bandwidth, not until it stops updating every single post on the page, even if you only make changes to one of them. Beta. If you think you might want to try it down the line, keep an eye on the Blogger Developers Forum thread.


Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-18 20:42:45

At first I read that as ”covert line breaks,” which amuses the hell out of me.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-18 20:48:15

It’s a new dimension in interactive media: while you read one paragraph, the others are quietly rearranging themselves.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-18 21:23:21

Funny. I so rarely laugh audibly (I *refuse* to say L*L in any form after years of teenage AOL) at anything anymore. You snuck up on me.

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