Bloglet for me, and you if you want
I added a Bloglet subscription form over in the sidebar, not because I think there are people yearning to get my posts by email every night (okay, every night after I happen to post), but because I wanted to have it there as an ad for Monsur’s cool tool. I already really liked the Bloglet model for email delivery of blog posts (one email, containing all the new posts in all the blogs you subscribe to, with the posts in what is probably their final form, unlike Blogger Pro’s model of sending it out immediately when you first publish, before you realize how many mistakes you made), even before he added a truly cool Google API tool: along with your subscription, you can get a report on how many links to your blog Google reports, and what the top ten links are. I like ego surfing, but I never remember to actually do it, so doing an automated Sally Field is perfect for me.
Also in the sidebar, I finally got around to doing something that I think will prevent the blogroll script from either going blank, or taking the whole page down with it, when is either down or returning a mySQL error. Now if Jim would be so kind as to take it down or mess it up, so I could test my code…
Bloglet is one of my favourite add-ons. I have it up and running on my Library News Daily at
Monsur and I have been talking for a while now about how to best get him the feed from bbt so it will work with bloglet. He said he was working on something else but I had no idea it would be as cool as a google jack-in. Sweet stuff.
you could just turn off your share favorites preference to simulate a problem.
Well, if you’re not willing to do a server crash just for me, I guess that would work ;). Actually, I have bigger troubles when the feed exists, but only has a mySQL error message for content. If I had half a brain, I would have saved one of those for testing purposes, but of course I didn’t. Right now, I’m waiting for an hour to pass, so I can see if I’ve fixed my slight miscalculation of only reading the first 4Kb.
Woohoo! Jim gave me a server crash after all, and seconds before I begged for help from the world at large, I realized that my fix wasn’t working because I was doing a fopen($myfile,”w”) and thus deleting my file, before I checked to see whether I was getting something usable. All better now.