More sidebar filler
Fun toy of the day: Blogamp is a Winamp plugin that ftps your playlist to your server as a javascript file, which is then read and displayed by a second .js file. It’s really pretty simple to install, unless you run into troubles with your paths and what’s in which directory, but not so simple to customize. Hack number one: to get it to display the artist on one line, and the title on the next (so it doesn’t just break wherever in a long title), edit display_playlist.js and add “musics[i].title = musics[i].title.replace(/-/,'<br>’);” as shown below:
if ( musics[i] )
musics[i].title = musics[i].title.replace(/-/,'<br>’);
//DisplaySong( musics[i], i, “font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:8pt;”, “font-family:Arial;font-size:8pt;” );
DisplaySong( musics[i], i, style1, style2, hide_hr );
Up next: adding links. I managed to hack in one link in one Shannon Campbell song, by editing the mp3 properties and adding the link to the author data, but that’s not a very satisfactory solution. I’d rather put the links in display_playlist.js, and look them up while displaying, but I’m still trying to decide between the much easier to manage scheme of having a single link per artist, or having a separate link for each song (more useful, but a lot more trouble to implement and maintain).
Um, now that I think about it, that’s going to replace any – with a break, which might not be so nice if you have song titles with dashes. Might need a bit more thought.
yes but other than ftping my playlist to my server, what does it do?
does it display all the songs? one randomly? the one I was last listening too when connected?
more information for the stupid bint!
The last however many you tell it to send, sent every song change while connected. And as far as it’s concerned, you should always be connected. If you have the gall to have Winamp going while you aren’t connected, you have to disable the Blogamp plugin, or it will connect you, because it really wants to update your playlist.
Unless you have my problem (or solution) and have to enter your FTP password every time you open WinAmp. Which now that I think about it, I don’t mind at all. Complete control over content, baby. Heh.
ahhh I am now an enlightened bint! heheh
man I love that word!
I will now try to implement this!
help phil! it doesnt work :(
what did I do wrong?
in case you use icq: 156705098
as my email seems to be screwed
Shall we discuss what the problem was? Hmm? Shall we?
the problem was that I couldnt remember my own password heheh
Im a dumb bint!