I get around
I do things like my remote dotcomments hack or the archive script generator just as quick ways to solve some problem that’s bothering somebody, and to maybe become a slightly less amateur amateur programmer along the way. I expect that they’ll be used by the person I wrote them for, and maybe a couple of others. That makes it more than a little freaky when I see that someone like Douglas Rushkoff has a new blog, swing by to check it out, notice something familiar, and view source only to find my code. My code. In Douglas Rushkoff’s blog. I need to sit down now. Oh. I am sitting.
typing standing up is a bitch. I use your code too and i saw no sweaty palmed ”oh my ruzz uses my code” posts. How many books do I need to write for you phil? HOW FREAKIN MANY!
er.. im not fully awake yet, please disregard this entire comment.
8. Minimum of 8, plus at least one Frontline program.
You use my code? Did I know that?
haha. Yes, on the right hand side it says props to Big Phat Phil for the blogamp hack. I guess you dont realize the entire free world thinks of you as BigPhatPhil
Oh, I did know that, didn’t I? I was trying to forget, since between Big Phat and you saying you liked my roll in PK’s comments, I was starting to think you’d seen that picture of me without a shirt.
dont show me, my stalker schedule is full enough. Besides, it would conflict. You’re busy stalking shannon, right?
I do like your blogroll tho. If blogrolling.com did that for me in some sensible way I would be down with it. I’m really against remote loading anything on my page as it can be unreliable. Not to mention you could blog roll in bbt way eaiser. In fact, I may do a how to of a tagset/friendly link combo for blog rolling sometime.
Phil, how could any of us have seen you in that scary photo? You never put anything personal on the website. Still, don’t you think it’s all warm and fuzzy?
Well, the way I’m doing it from blo.gs really isn’t that fragile (once I developed enough sense to check before I copied an error over a good file) – the php just checks how old my copy of an rss file is, and if it’s over an hour old tries to grab a new copy. Can’t get a new copy, or it comes with an error? Just keep using the old one until it gets better. I couldn’t live without having the list sorted in weblogs.com ping order anymore – if I had to go through thirty or forty blogs, looking for the five that had updated since I last checked, then I wouldn’t actually use my blogroll (I’d use Blogtracker instead), and like so many people I’d end up with a blogroll full of linkrot. Why not do a kick-ass BBT service, by grabbing changes.xml from weblogs.com once an hour, storing every single one in a db, and then generating the blogroll in update order? It would slowly rot between publishes, but it wouldn’t require any server-side scripting to roll your own updatable list. Better yet, I think blo.gs does a service where they’ll notify you when they get pinged, which includes some stuff that doesn’t ping weblogs.com (and pitas blogs, too). In your copious free time, of course.
Me stalking Shannon? Who did I just see with a playlist of her songs nine times over?
Yes, my roll is all warm and fuzzy. That doesn’t really add to the attractiveness, though. Believe me. We should probably move on.
I will have to mull that over. Seems Jason at BlogRolling.com is looking to do some of what you described. I have limited hours and where I can avoid coding the same thing others have, I do.
oh yeah, and listening to shannon doesnt match you loitering outside her home for the last 2 weeks (she told me it was a secret, but I have defend myself)
Kind of cruel to ask someone to make a change to their site through the auspice of another, but Doug/Ruzz/Etc:
Think about using TARGET=”_new” or TARGET=”_top” for off-site links in your blog posts. Otherwise they end up under a FRAME umbrella of your site, which keeps us thinking about you true, but is not very pretty (a page set into one frame isn’t either, but let’s not quibble).
Im already using a BBT tagset for blogrolling.
its called linkage and whenever I want to add or remove a link I just edit the one post.
I did have it set up so show the last 100 linkage posts but it put stupid breaks and paragraph tags between each post, and I hated that!
ruzz and phil dont use frames – so changing the target to ’new’ just opens a new window just like now, and if they had the target of ’top’ and they DID use frames then you wouldnt get out of their sites.
’_blank’ and ’_new’ are better than top, but really a target should NEVER be set for external links UNLESS the link itself is in a frame other than main.
and to finalise my rant, frames should NEVER EVER EVER be used. Ever. If you can help it.
Just dont do it.
Frames? Yeah, those suck. I NEVER used those. Ever.
”but it put stupid breaks and paragraph tags between each post,”
you can set it to have no line break, or what ever you want in the tagset properties for that tagset. :)
”ruzz and phil dont use frames…”
I never claimed Phil does. As for Ruzz:
Source from http://www.rushkoff.com/blog.html–
<TITLE>:: Douglas Rushkoff – Weblog ::</TITLE>
<FRAMESET rows=”*” frameborder=0 border=0>
<FRAME src=”blog.php”>
And sorry to disagree, but TARGET=”_top” will pull one out of a framed page. At least, it’s what I’ve always used.
Can’t tell the players around here without roster.
Ruzz is Russ Cann, of ruzz.ca and Big Blog Tool fame.
Douglas Rushkoff, who will most likely never be seen in my comments, has a webmaster with interesting ideas, in that, as you say, blog.html is just a frame for blog.php, which uses my rather awkward remote dotcomments system of getting comment counts via an included javascript, rather than just doing them in php in the original dotcomments style. I’m not complaining, though, since [see the original post which started all this].
Ah. And ’duh’ on my part…
I apologise to Russ (and perhaps even Doug) for claiming his site used frames. A horrible, horrible thing to falsely accuse someone of, and truly a misjudgement on seeing his first post by assigning Ruzz to Rush(koff).
Forgive me, Ruzz. I shall never cast aspersions towards your HTML skills again.
im so deeply shamed I’m going to open notepad and rattle off some tables by hand to cleanse myself :)
yo chief.. i’m rushkoff’s webmaster. i used your code first on my site after dotcomments stopped working for some odd reason. your proggie fixed my problems. so when it came time to add comments to doug’s blog, where else was i to turn, but of course to you? props and kudos on the great fix.
the reason we’re using the frames on rushkoff’s site is cuz by the time people started demanding a commenting system, his link had already propagated throughout the net. everyone was linked to blog.html, so i had to do this frame fix instead of a redirect for simplification.
Yeah, it’s a major pain having filenames exist. I’m doing more ”everything is named index.* in its own directory” all the time, so I don’t have to ever expose the filename.