Post a link to open a document in any program

With most things, I don’t have any problem forming an opinion. At all. However, I have to admit that I’m not quite sure what to think of Add Applications to Your Blog. It’s a “marketing blog” (an ad in the form of a blog), which I don’t entirely object to (after all, if someone pays for Blogger Pro and ad-free Blog*Spot, that’s $47 for servers and development for me to play with the results of), for a service from marixtech which, for $5 per month (more for Windows programs), lets you post links that download a java applet that then loads a document in basically any program, on their server. You can enable or disable changes to the document, as well as printing and downloading. I suppose there must be good reasons to want to do such a thing, even though I can’t seem to come up with any. Writing a collaborative open-source book, where access is open but changes require a password, so that any author can view and edit from any browser, but readers can only kibbitz in the blog comments?


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