Post-switch depression

Damnedest thing. After several hours of importing entries from Blogger and comments from dotcomments, mucking around with mod_rewrite to make sure that permalinks would still work, and faked-up directories that used to lead to index.php? would now go to category archives, I now have no interest in playing with my new toy. I don’t feel like finishing off my “how to import dotcomments in Movable Type” tutorial, I’m not in the mood to link to anything, all I can do with the templates and stylesheets is make Mena’s stuff look uglier instead of better. I think maybe I need to actually shut off the computer for a few hours.


Comment by nick #
2002-05-05 18:13:24

man, i’m frickin’ disoriented now. gone for days and it turns out you’re not. what? movable type? messed up lines going through your posts? maybe that’s only me. i’m going to have to let this settle for a while.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-05-05 19:30:26

You think you’re disoriented?

Strange lines where in what browser on what OS? Got a screenshot you can spare me?

Comment by Ingrid #
2002-05-06 06:54:11

Hi Phil
What a surprise to see you have moved to MT :-) I didn’t see it coming, but maybe I have been sleeping.

But my question is : is it difficult to install ?

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-05-06 07:19:16

If your server already has all the Perl modules it needs installed (mine had all but one), then it’s dead simple. If not, it can be interesting.

Comment by nick #
2002-05-06 21:32:12

all effed up in mozilla…


Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-05-06 22:59:28

Thanks. I guess I never scrolled down far enough in Moz. Poor sorry-assed excuse for a browser. That’s stunningly stupid behavior – document.write a <hr> and it runs clear through the div floated to the left? I could probably fix it by rewriting BlogAmp to do it in PHP instead of script, but I’m not convinced that I want to. Or I could report it in Bugzilla, but with 199 so far today it’s hard to get excited about it.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-05-07 08:43:24

Never mind. Take the doctype out completely or put in a HTML 4.01 doctype and it works just fine in Mozilla. Fine by me: I don’t have an ounce of ego involved in XHTML.

Comment by nick #
2002-05-07 13:02:02

yeah, good job. usually when something like that happens to me, i just scrap the whole project and start over. that works well too.

Comment by Tim #
2002-05-07 14:10:39

This feels sad. Your help when I was new to blogging was immeasurable; the blogger community has lost a very valuable member with your move to MT. Thanks again Phil. I shall enjoy following your transition to a different weblogging tool; I suspect that once free of the limitations and frustrations of blogger you’re going to do some very interesting stuff indeed.

Comment by Donna #
2002-05-14 08:12:28

Speaking as a blogger who looked for your posts as a source of essential info, I can say that MT is fraught with challenges as well (at least for me.

I’m secretly glad you’ve switched, I wish there were more of an explanation (just for the gossip factor), but I think you’ll like MT.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-05-14 08:51:03

Thanks for the reminder: I drafted a partial explanation last week, and forgot to get back to it. Draft MT posts aren’t quite as hidden as draft Blogger Pro posts (I’ve probably got dozens of forgotten draft posts still in Blogger), but unless they are in blinking red where I’ll see them every time I post, I’m still likely to forget them. Hmm. Other than the blinking, it probably wouldn’t be too tough to hack in a list of ”Still Drafted Entries” right under (or better, above) the list of ”Five Most Recent Entries” in the editor.

Comment by Jake #
2002-05-18 16:28:46

Phil, any idea when you’re going to have your ”How to import dotcomments in Movable Type” tutorial ready? I would really like to look at it…

Comment by jaya #
2002-06-21 07:11:32

I have to admit that I’m a first time visitor, but I’d definitely be interested in your importing dotcomments into movable type tutorial. It’s what’s been holding me back from switching myself.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-06-21 07:25:55

It’s just up the page a bit, over here.

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