Good, bad, old

Finally, finally getting broadband at work: good.
Having to spend the whole afternoon down in the crawlspace pulling cat-5: bad.
My poor tired body: old.


Comment by ed #
2002-05-09 11:18:20

phil – glad to hear you have bb at work…hard to believe it’s only now that you’re getting it. yikes. and sorry to hear you had to spend an afternoon yanking cat-5 through crawlspaces…jeez. it’s still better than yanking coax around, though, right? i hope you’re not too old or tired to answer a couple of mt questions for me…you can even file the thread under your mt hacks category ;)

anyway, i recently migrated my site from blogger pro to mt. everything went swimmingly (after much chmod’ing and permission’ing and correcting relative paths to directories, etc.). now shannon tells me that you have figured out a way of importing YACCS comments into MT; and that her blog was the guinea pig and it worked beautifully.

what’s the dilly? hard to do? can you teach/help me? i could’t find anything in the docs, so it’s either kiss my old yaccs comments goodbye, or manually cutting and pasting them (ugh).

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-05-09 13:49:25

You bet. It went flounderingly behind the scenes, so I need at least one more to test things with before I try to release it. Meantime, (and there may be a bit of meantime, since I was pulling cable again this morning and I may not be very perky tonight again), if you want to get ready, in YACCS click the CAIF export link (or maybe dropdown now, I can’t quite remember – somewhere in the control panel, probably after clicking the ”more” link), and then save it and upload it somewhere that I can get a copy (or just post the link for the CAIF page here, that would work well too), and then do another export from Blogger, like the MT export (999 days posts, no archives, new filename, and the same datetime format as in the export for MT), only with this as your template:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

and then give me a link to that file. I’ll need to run the two together a time or two, checking to see whether I’m getting them merged properly (without having to hand-code a few dates this time, I hope), and then with a little luck, I’ll pass you back a MT import file that will just add the comments into the proper posts.

Comment by Phil's Bitch #
2002-05-09 14:36:31

Phil is my hero.

Comment by edmur #
2002-05-09 15:04:57

alright, let’s see if this works. here are the links:

will that do it? i can email ’em as attachments, if not…

let me know. and no rush.

and thanks. now i won’t believe all the things shannon’s been saying about you ;o

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-05-09 19:12:23

Emailed you the file/link. Unless I’m missing something, it worked just fine first try. Let me know how it imports.

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