MT 2.2
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to 2.2 we go…
More later, right now I’m just putting my hacks back in, and having to rewrite several.
<later>Clearly, the big thing for this release is TrackBack, a sort of automated referrer/link-back system which pings other TrackBack-enabled weblogs when you post something that refers to a post or category in their weblog. That’s a terrible explanation, but then, the TrackBack Demo and the manual aren’t that much clearer, and they’ve had longer to think about it than I have.
The one thing that I’m sure will be completely cool is the ability to ping categories. Say I ping-enable my “mt hacks” category, and so do several other people with similar categories. We can then set it up so that whenever any of us publishes a new post in that category, it pings all the others’ categories, so that we can all list however much we want (including date, url, blog name, title, and excerpt) about the posts in the same category on other blogs. People willing to list anyone’s pings can publish their category ping url, or it can be a secret shared with just a select few (plus anyone who guesses the id number), or it looks like it can be passworded.
Then there’s mySQL support. Whose idea was it to release all this on a Wednesday night, when I work until 8pm?</later>
the mysql thing isn’t working out too well for me so far. but i think i’m the only one. if i can get it working, though, i’ll be happy. just because.