Psst. Wanna buy a nice domain?
Just to answer all those people who were asking last summer whether, the Blogger/Moreover cooperative venture, would be back: only if you buy the domain from a speculator and bring it back yourself.
Hey Phil, you forgot your http:// ;)
They say that the ability to link is one of the first things to go. Before you know it, you can’t remember to zip your pants, and it’s only a matter of time before you’re shuffling aimlessly around the nursing home in your bathrobe. Thanks for halting my slide for a little bit.
My first sign of insanity is setting links as ’herf’ instead of ’href’. The W3C validator catches that for me, though. When I remember to use it.
We can’t have you going insane yet; people might confuse me with you, and I haven’t done anything since that dotComments thing (except, well, this).
You’ve got a typo in your averaging function: you return 4, 3, 3, 1.
Welcome to my downhill slide!
Aieeee. Let me go fix that ;)