The tyranny of titles
Back in the day, using Blogger Classic, I didn’t much miss post titles. If I was doing a blog that required them, I faked them up with markup, and if I didn’t need them I just plunged right in. Now, after five months of Blogger Pro and another three of Movable Type, I can’t imagine life without them. Jim can. He just added optional titles to trainedmonkey, in the process of adding TrackBack, but they are very optional, to the tune of one so far. Makes for an amusing “TrackBack entry to ping” select menu in the Movable Type bookmarklet, with a blank item, a titled item, and then a bunch more blank items. Glad I’m not trying to ping an entry further down the page, and doubly glad I just read his beef with RSS 1.0 requiring that he fake up a title for an item that doesn’t have one, since otherwise I would have suggested that he use the first few words of untitled posts as the dc:title in the TrackBack RDF. Ah well, off to suggest that Ben do it in the bookmarklet code instead.
And Ben says that generating titles in the bookmarklet code is on the todo list. Too bad I’m too lazy to submit a patch, rather than just begging for an enhancement.
requisite titles are tyranny
phil was going to suggest i autogenerate titles. consuming tools that want titles should autogenerate them—having producing tools do so results in data loss unless you then add further metadata to say this title isn’t real, it was just something i made…
The clue-by-four hits
Give me long enough, and enough clues, and eventually I’ll catch on. I completely failed to grasp why Jim wouldn’t