Why won’t they listen?
Sometimes, when nobody gets it, and you keep telling them and telling them, and they still don’t get it? Sometimes that means you’re wrong. I’m just saying…
Sometimes, when nobody gets it, and you keep telling them and telling them, and they still don’t get it? Sometimes that means you’re wrong. I’m just saying…
And sometimes it just means you’re speaking Swahili to an English-language only crowd. But I’m not saying that at all…
But Phil, if we listened and acted all reasonable and that sort of thing, we’d all get along and probably advance science and technology and our brains would get bigger and our heads would get bigger and eventually we’d get stuck in the birth canal.
And stuff.
Whoa, that sounds like it’d be a lot of work, Bb. And we can’t have that. No wonder they don’t want you making any more suggestions.
I always wondered why some women choose men that seem to be just way too stupid for them.
Yes Phil. It’s a birth canal thing. We women know this. It’s our duty to ensure that the species stays relatively stupid, or heads will get stuck in the birth canal.
And reading the news, I can see that we’re succeeding all too well.
See Phil. There’s husband material.
Oh, lordy, thank you both. I desperately needed to actually, literally laugh out loud.
Anytime my friend. Anytime.