The aliens returneth, the aliens taketh away

After an extended absence best explained by alien abduction, Jesse Malone and Reblogger are back (though no longer (quite so much) a remotely hosted, everybody on Blog*Spot pile on, system).

However, the last post on cafelog was November 6th, and the last post on tidakada was November 7th (8th if you count the sideblog), so it looks like they took Michel when they returned Jesse.


Comment by PapaScott #
2002-12-06 23:41:05

Michel has been posting in his forum, so unless the aliens stole his password, he’s still around.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-12-07 07:56:52

Sure, you can picture those as being Michel’s posts, if he’s been really busy the last month, but if you picture Grflzum using Michel’s computer, armed with nothing but an English to Zoof dictionary and a copy of the PHP manual, cursing the tiny keys that are so much smaller than a tentacle, having to stop and shake the slime off the keyboard every few minutes since it’s not properly sealed, I think they fit a lot better.

Comment by michel v #
2002-12-17 06:56:53

I have finally escaped from the aliens’s spaceship!

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-12-17 06:59:09

Welcome back to the land of the living. Do we need to avoid using the word ”probe” around you now?

Comment by michel v #
2002-12-17 07:37:55

Feel free to use that word, just don’t bring any red Kryptonite.

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