Now I remember
Seems like every time I forget why I’m paying DIRECTV such a ridiculous amount of money when I turn on the TV once a week, they manage to remind me. This time, by reminding me that Clapton is God. They’re playing the film from his (final) tour last year as a promo for the two CD+DVD set One More Car: One More Rider. It’s a great show, with a bunch of old men tearing up some of the best blues-pop of the last forty years. It’s also a great marketing idea, since for every person who won’t buy the DVD or the CD+DVD set because they’ve already seen it, there’s bound to be dozens who will buy the CD or the CD+DVD.
Of course, my admiration for them ended once I started trying to link to them: the link to DIRECTV goes to a javascript popup, the only content I could find (and it’s not much content), which required me to unblock popups, let it open, and then View Page Info to get the URL. The link to BestBuy probably goes to the CD+DVD, but I’m just guessing based on the price, since they don’t say: they’ve just got two items, both listed as two CDs, one more expensive than the other. Doubt that’ll do much for their sales.
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