
I’ll have to change the title once I find out the actual name of the plugin, but Adam Kalsey’s my hero for the day, having done the plugin that I’ve fiddled with off and on since pb first showed me that a TrackBack is just a comment that lives on someone else’s server.

SimpleComments adds an MTSimpleComments container to replace both MTComments and MTPings, returning all the comments and TrackBack pings for entry (or those that you choose with lastn=”n”), a pair of conditionals, MTSimpleCommentIfComment and MTSimpleCommentIfTrackback, so that you can use the existing MT tags depending on whether a particular comment is a local comment (MTCommentBody) or a TrackBack (MTPingExcerpt), and MTSimpleCommentCount to count the comments and pings for an entry.

To use SimpleComments, just replace your MTComments tag pair with MTSimpleComments, put MTSimpleCommentIfComment around your existing comment display code, followed by a MTSimpleCommentIfTrackback section that contains your TrackBack display code from the TrackBack template, replace your MTCommentCount with MTSimpleCommentCount, and delete the whole TrackBack count and link. Simple as that, you’ve got intermingled local comments and remote comments via TrackBack.


Comment by Adam Kalsey #
2003-02-02 18:27:17

You can change the title to SimpleComments.

2003-02-02 18:30:11


A Movable Type plugin that combines comments and TrackBacks into a single, simple list.

Trackback by From the Orient #
2003-02-03 01:29:20


The release of SimpleComments could not have been better timed for me. Whilst looking at how to order the metadata

2003-02-03 08:19:20

Simple Comments Plugin

Adam Kalsey has just released a new plugin. The Simple Comments Plugin will merge trackbacks and comments into a single

Trackback by A young man's Site Log #
2003-02-04 07:35:58

Mixing comments the right way

Simple Comments = Simply beautiful. Thank you. Thanks Phil for the link. Thanks Adam for the work.

Trackback by The Long Letter #
2003-02-04 11:10:30

MT: SimpleComments

Thanks to a clever little hack by Adam Kalsey, all comments and TrackBack pings that I receive are displayed as a single list on each entry’s page, sorted by the time they were received. Much nicer visually than having two seperate listings of response…

2003-07-07 20:23:50

MT, Trackbacks, IIS

Fortunately some helpful people at the Movable Type Forum had answers to resolve the 404 errors I had with Trackback. The Support Forum’s recommendations with tweaking the MT code a bit and slightly altering the Trackback URL setup in my HTML template …

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