Fresh as a daisy

Well, I know I for one won’t be rebuilding 521 individual entry pages the next time I need to see how a template change looks. Sweet!

Heigh ho, heigh ho, it’s off to hack the Preview button I go…


Comment by Jeff #
2003-02-16 20:59:58

Why not just open the edit screen for an old entry and resaving it to see template changes? :)

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-02-16 21:41:21

Well, I do, sometimes, and mostly I just don’t ever change anything, but I needed some excuse to play with my shiny new toy, and I hadn’t thought of the ”far better preview” idea yet.

Comment by Scott Hanson #
2003-02-17 00:05:00

Isn’t this just Brad Choate’s mt-view script?

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-02-17 01:34:17

Well, I was on vacation in August, so I missed a thing or two ;)

It certainly isn’t ”just” mt-view, since the .cgi has slightly different syntax and the .pm now does index templates by name, and though I haven’t dug out the syntax looks like it will take a limit and an offset for entries for an index template, as well as doing date-based and category archives, and the original individual archives. So was an individual entry viewer, and can probably be turned into a complete fried blog script.

Comment by Shannon #
2003-02-17 05:20:20

Well, I’ve always just created a new blog and copied over the old template etc., added a few lorem ipsum entries and gone about my business. Mostly because this other option fries more than files… like, my brain.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-02-17 09:47:39

I sometimes think about doing that, rather than doing it live, and then I think about how much work it would be, with so many templates, and all of them including template modules, and I’ve got to move these over to a different archive directory because otherwise they’ll overwrite those, but this thing depends on mod_rewrite to actually be found, so I’ll have to put a .htaccess over there…

At which point I decide that I can either make changes live, or live with things the way they are.

Comment by Geodog #
2003-02-20 14:34:06

Any chance of enlightening the hoi polloi as to how this works?

Trackback by Geodog's MT Weblog #
2003-02-22 03:18:34

Freed at last from Userland’s Radio!

Another refugee from Radio makes a clean break. I just finished moving t…

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