One to watch

Something to keep an eye on, in more than one way: Tim Bishop’s new pMachine-powered weblog, tracking the other really scary thing in the news these days.


Comment by Tim #
2003-04-07 04:17:13

Thanks for the link, Phil. I bloviate on for years at Geodog’s MT Weblog about politics and Bush’s plans for the deaths of many, and nobody cares, maybe because so many others are doing the same.

I start writing about a possible plague, although mostly just aggregating information, people flock to the site. Humans are strange beasts.

Your mother may have been wrong about being quiet if you have nothing nice to say :-).


Trackback by Diary Of A Madman #
2003-04-03 08:27:35

creeping death

Via Phil Ringnalda –’s a nice quote for those who think that this isn’t that big a deal:Up to now, SARS has had a fatality rate of about 3.5 percent. If that sounds mild compared, say, to the virus that causes AIDS, consider th…

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