Confidential to Barbara Pluff

Yes, having a missing archive template will make Blogger throw a 104 NullPointerException error. You can recreate your archive template from these instructions. And your mail server seems to think that there’s no mailbox with the name in the From: that you sent your question from.


Comment by Anonymous #
2003-07-10 13:10:31

I have a quick question about archiving.

On my Blog, I have an Blogger archive page template set up, but I don’t think I have something set right, because I can’t get a general archive page generated. Do I have to set the ”Archive Settings” to ”Monthly”, ”Yes”? Or is there a different setting I should be using, and then republish?

I get archive pages for the individual months, like

But I can’t seem to set my Settings right to get the page I configured under Templates – Archive to generate, even after publishing.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-07-10 22:21:14

Near as I can tell from people finding any number of innovative places to ask me about it, generation of separate archive index pages is currently not working in Dano. Good reason to switch to the new code to insert the links directly in your main and archive pages, I’d say.

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