Links, votes, and Ads by Google
While we still don’t have any solution to the permathread on making links not act like publicity (just like there’s no such thing as bad publicity, there’s (mostly) no such thing as a bad link: if you don’t like something, saying so with a link just makes them happier in the links-as-votes world), we may have an amusing way around it. As of right now, if you go to Dori Smith and Tom Negrino’s weblog, along with the pro-Kerry (formerly pro-Dean) posts, down at the bottom of the sidebar you’ll also see a Google-powered ad for the Republican National Committee. Click the link, and the RNC gives Tom and Dori money.
From what I hear, Google’s relaxed their earlier reluctance to put ads on most weblogs and it shouldn’t be too difficult to find out what keywords your enemies are advertising on: a little googling for likely candidates, and you’ll know just what to talk about on your “Things I hate” blog. Ads Worth Clicking! Heh.
Seems the Ad has gone, but there was a mildly amusing one there, an advert for Bush (a TV manufacturer).
The ad was there when I visited just now. I clicked. Funds have been transferred to where they should be. I’m happy.