
Google now has a page at /blog/, which consists of nothing but the word test, in invalid HTML.

At this very second, that page has a Technorati cosmos of 17 links from 15 sources (with plenty more to come, since that doesn’t currently include my via).

There are lots of people who’ve been blogging their hearts out for months, with a smaller cosmos.

Ah, power laws.


Comment by MaThIbUs #
2004-05-06 10:42:33

That’s fucking insane indeed.

Trackback by pure imaginary #
2004-05-04 09:51:17

sickeningly godlike

google [just for shits i presume] created a really simple webpage at /blog/ that in well under a week has 108 links from 99 sources according to technorati. thats insane. the page has nothing on it and isnt even written…

Trackback by Photo Matt #
2004-05-12 10:05:17

The Google Blog

As nearly everyone in the world has noticed, Google has a blog now. It’s too bad they didn’t go with the /blog/ URI because this one has extra redundant redundancy, and that doesn’t seem very Google-like. The new blog is very generic, it barely seem…

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