How to review software in your weblog

It’s actually surprisingly easy to write a useful software review in a blog. Here’s a starter guide:

  1. Install the program.

Recent events lead me to believe that the first step might take a while to sink in, so I’ll stop there for now. Just following that one simple step, so that you don’t say “In my opinion, based on what someone else who also didn’t install it said about what they thought about their interpretation of the feature list…,” will make a big difference in how useful your reviews are. Just to recap:

  1. Install the program

Not basing your opinion on misunderstood thirdhand information: it’s a good thing.


Comment by Jason #
2005-02-18 08:16:24

Goodness, how right you are; after reading about 100,000 ”reviews” of the newest Google Toolbar beta claiming that the company is now automatically adding links to web pages, I’m about to pith myself. Would that all those people, you know, installed the thing to learn how wrong they are…

Comment by Pete Prodoehl #
2005-02-18 14:09:20

Listen here bub, we is webloggers, and we gots opinions we need to get out to that thar internets, and we don’t have to install software to review it, we just gotta think of something, type it up, and hit that ’publish’ button!

”Install the program” indeed!

Comment by Bill Humphries #
2005-02-18 14:22:52

The tech blogs are catching up with the right wing blogs. Who needs facts?

Comment by nick #
2005-02-19 23:03:15

”Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.”

It’s Fleet Street Tabloid values at work!

Trackback by Q Daily News #
2005-02-18 17:39:14

The tabloid rack of weblogging

Over the past few days, I couldn’t figure out why the portrayal of bloggers as mainstream media checkers didn’t sit well with me, but I knew that something was wrong. After reading a few more bloggers’ versions of what Google’s…

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