Just how cunning is eBay?
As Jason points out this morning (and Wayne pointed out in his web-free link feed a couple of days ago), eBay has an open redirect, at
Yes, that means that phishers can have their “login in and change your password” link start with cgi4.ebay.com, and capture those people who wouldn’t click a link that starts with a numeric IP address, or with something not-quite-right like ebaysecuritylogin.com, but would click a link that ends with it, and ends up at it, but… wouldn’t you guess that eBayISAPI.dll also does a tiny bit of logging, and pays particular attention to things without a referer, and with suspicious URLs? “Oh, no, B’rer Phisher, please don’t use my redirect URL!”
The canonical url for this entry should be http://cgi4.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=RedirectToDomain&DomainUrl=http://philringnalda.com/blog/2005/02/just_how_cunning_is_ebay.php
…the BBC has (at least) one too: