Bloggio Dada
How on earth has Oblique Info failed to get approval for AdSense? There’s certainly nothing spammy about a Dadaist weblog. Not like, say, insurablog, registered with the same admin address, and currently showing AdSense.
How on earth has Oblique Info failed to get approval for AdSense? There’s certainly nothing spammy about a Dadaist weblog. Not like, say, insurablog, registered with the same admin address, and currently showing AdSense.
A little background. Oblique generates its posts by reading the feeds of 15 other blogs, extracting the plain text and links. Randomly choosing 150 posts and running them through a Markov Chain histogram (as described in jwz’s dadadodo), generating four ”sentences”, and randomly applying links to two sets of words.
The purpose of isn’t to make money, the reason I’m running adsense is to see what type of ads are run against the content. The only reason I have the amazon link is a placeholder to remind me to replace affiliated links with my own, based off of subject of the post, as determined by a subject search on the new post. (I just didn’t feel like making others money)
This is only the first version of’s autodadaist blog writer. I’m expanding it to become more natural in its output.
The next version (0.2) will be include:
– A more natural posting schedule.
– More blogs, broken up into topics (Adding Tech and Politics for now)
– Link memory, to reduce the chances of linking to the same URL
– Post memory, to mix up the content more.
– Better link chooser, based off the words it chooses to link
Basically what you are seeing now is version 0.1.1, just got it doing the basics of what I want it to do. I have modified it slightly from 0.1, it was posting to often.