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on Saturday, April 9th, 2005 at 10:44 pm and is filed under shorts.
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An easy way? No. But how ’bout storing the MP3 outside the webroot, and accessing it via your scripting language of choice? From there, leverage whatever session management you’ve got available to restrict access to local users.
An easy way? No. But how ’bout storing the MP3 outside the webroot, and accessing it via your scripting language of choice? From there, leverage whatever session management you’ve got available to restrict access to local users.
In CF, it’d look something like:
<cfif session.allowDownload>
<cfcontent type=”audio/mpeg” file=”c:somedirfoo.mp3” /><cfabort>
<cfset session.allowDownload = true />
<a href=”mymp3.cfm”>download</a>
Now, the hotlinker in question could still get around it if he’s determined, but it would stop casual abuse.