Shannon Campbell Week at

I was already thinking that this should be Shannon Campbell week in my blog, to make up for the fact that pinging directly, rather than letting them pick up the ping from, seems to have put her in permanent purgatory at the bottom of my blogroll, when I dropped by her blog and found that she put up an mp3 of her latest song, Dreaming of Violets.

Oooh, baby. (I hope to see that as a blurb on a CD cover, someday soon). I cleared out my playlist, and it’s been looping for five or six times now, soaking into my heart. All I’m missing is the cover photo of Shannon sitting on the porch of an old farmhouse in eastern Montana, singing to an empty field. With an old pickup, cause you always need an old pickup.

If you’ll excuse me, I need to turn up the volume, turn off the lights, and get a beer or six.


Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-20 00:15:41


Phil, Phil, Phil. You just don’t know. I’ve been fighting with my goddamned blog for the last hour, trying to post and getting nada or getting crap, then my archives disappeared, then I had to pull out all of my wangly little tricks to get ’em back, and finally gave up on posting for the rest o’ the night.

In the midst of that last re-fucking-publish, I saw your lonely little comment, and you made my day. Night. Er, early morning before bedtime. Whatever.

When the solo CD comes out, in the bottom right hand corner I promise it’ll say:

”Oooh, baby.” -Phil Ringnalda

Comment by jim winstead #
2002-03-20 11:45:14

shannon’s out of purgatory now. and with regard to the duplicates, i am able to merge those entries at, so that further updates from either url will update the correct entry. while there’s a clever interface that makes it easy for me to do this, there is no clever interface to make it easy for people to tell me about the duplicates. some day.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-20 12:14:28

Thanks, Jim. My feeling would be that people should just avoid the risk of pinging with varying forms of their url by using a bookmarklet to ping, but then I’m always very fond of my own stuff.

Still, I think Shannon Campbell Week is going to continue. I just hope she can persuade Blogger to publish again, or it’s going to be Shannon Campbell Archives Week.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-20 14:01:40

Well, don’t worry. It’ll drop soon enough when I can’t post. I can’t even get into editing mode to try right now. Sigh.

I have no idea what happened as far as the *pinger* goes.. or where in the FUCK my archives are. [sickly sweet smile].

But hey – it’s Shannon Campbell week @ Phil’s Place, and I’m a happy girl. I feel naughty posting under here, but since I can’t get to my own friggin’ blog…

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-20 20:48:05

There’s a grand tradition of blog squatting, doing your posting in other people’s comments when you can’t get Blogger to cooperate, and you’re more than welcome to squat on.. oh, that doesn’t sound so good. Post all you want, or if it’s looking intractable, send me an invite to join, and I’ll see if I can get it scared straight. Though my luck’s not too good right now: I’ve got two that I don’t have any idea what I’m going do with, or to, or about. But there’s always room for one more.

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-20 23:31:53

Well, all is fixed. With the blog, that is. Unfortunately, my computer just bit the dust. Thank goodness for geeky roommates.

And don’t worry, Phil. If I feel the need, I won’t think twice about squatting on your blog. (Oomph.)

Comment by Shannon Campbell #
2003-08-14 07:16:18

just wanted u guys to know my names shannon campbell too! hahahaha pretty cool huh?

Comment by shannon Campbell #
2004-07-04 01:35:26

i was just looking up my name(Shannon Campbell) on google and this site came up
Ive never met another person named shannon campbell too so i just wanted to say hi
it sounds like shes a singer too. thats cool
shannon campbell
Port Angeles, WA

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