Why Blog Browsers?

Even though I can hear Sam muttering digital magpie in my ear, I still think there may be some reasons why Blog Browsers are more than just a shiny new toy for me to play with. We just have to figure out why. Here’s what has occurred to me so far:

  • PalmBlogBrowser: when you find a new weblog you like, grab their archives in RSS, (probably massage it a bit), and stick in in your handheld to read through sometime when you’re caught offline.
  • Search on your own terms: if you just want to see every entry with the word “foo” in it (assuming that it isn’t “John’s Foo Weblog”), then most people’s site search will do you just fine. But if you want to find that thing that Mark posted on BoingBoing in March 2001, or everything I posted on RSS, RDF and blogging tech between March 20th and May 5th, you’re out of luck. With a Blog Browser and a good feed, you should be able to filter by author, select multiple categories, limit by your choice of date…
  • Integrating RSS feeds and archives: most RSS readers don’t do anything at all with things like authors and categories, because they don’t really know what to do with them. An integrated aggregator/blog browser that knows where to find a feed’s RSS archives could link an item’s author to all the posts by that author, starting you out in the current month’s worth, or link the category to everything in that category.
  • Your private search engine: once you’ve got a copy of all your favorite weblogs archives, you can find out every time someone has mentioned “hotels las vegas” without all the crap that Google will give you for a hypercompetitive keyword set like that.
  • (Look at how it shines and glistens in the sun! Pretty!)

Blog Browsers:

Blog archives in RSS that I’m sure they don’t mind you browsing:


Trackback by nico | couchblog #
2002-12-03 23:39:55

Blog: Browser: RSS

Phil explaines: Why Blog Browsers? OK: why? Seems that putting your archives into RSS-Format is another big geek thing, not? Well, this is only half of the truth. As it is an additional service it will be a big thing for everybody, especially for those…

Trackback by Too Much News #
2002-12-04 02:53:15

Why Blog Browsers?

phil ringnalda dot com: ”Even though I can hear Sam muttering digital magpie in my ear, I still think there

Trackback by Sam Ruby #
2002-12-04 06:35:30

Blog Browser Format

Phil Ringnalda. Phil, you say this like it is a bad thing. I believe that you and I have common tendencies when it comes to exploration, but when it comes to choices, I find that I have a tendency to pick the dull and boring ones. As to the topic o

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