pink and repink
Friday, February 23rd, 2007Since Pinkerton got kicked off the planet(, somebody’s got to keep people up to date with him, don’t they?
Since Pinkerton got kicked off the planet(, somebody’s got to keep people up to date with him, don’t they?
Filing security bugs with Netscape 7.1? Please, no.
IE7 treats RSS titles as plain text: is it going to be a big enough force in the syndication world to make everyone else do the right thing, too?
Results of some simple tests of Atom title escaping in several aggregators.
I’m a big fan of semantic “web standards” (X)HTML coding style. Too bad every victory for RSS is a loss for it.
Woohoo, a one-man crusade against silent data loss in Atom titles. This’ll look good on my resume, won’t it?
WordPress looks set to ship its next version with an Atom feed that the feedvalidator will just flatly say is too outdated to even bother looking at. Interesting.
Not that long after I fixed Firefox’s problem with Google-produced feeds, I see that they are completely unable to consume the very same sort of feed.
When an Atom feed says that content is type=”text”, it is text. If you look at it, and decide it is HTML instead, God tortures a kitten to death.
If you are an aggregator developer, you need to know the difference between text and HTML, and how to treat them differently. Atom actually tells you which it is, so please believe it.